(830) 232-5330 realmuseum@hctc.net

Museum Gift Shop

We have a variety of items for sale. You can mail us a check or come by the Museum and buy them directly. We will soon have the ability for you to purches them online. All proceeds go to support the Museum.


We will soon be adding these two books! So keep watching or pre-order now!

Boy Captives by Clinton Smith
$20.00, Shipping: $5.00, Total: $25.00
Museum Gift Shop - Books
This book is a reprint of the original that was commissioned by Mr. Smith's children. It is the true account of the two brothers, Clinton and Jeff Smith and their captivity and life among the Comanche and Apache and their return to their families.

Grandad and I by John Leakey and Florence Fenley
$30.00, Shipping: $5.00, Total: $35.00
Museum Gift Shop - Books
The story of the two men and their time in the West. John Leakey, known for founding Leakey, Texas and his grandson, John Leakey lived in a time when the West and especially the Frio Canyon were still wild. This book was reprinted, as originals are rare and pricey, with all proceeds going to the Real County Historical Museum.

Wagons Ho! A History of Real County:
$95.00, Shipping: $18.00, Total: $113.00
Museum Gift Shop - Books
This is the must-have of all must-haves! Wagons Ho! Is the ultimate of County History books. This book was compiled under the direction of Marjorie Kellner, Project Director. The book is a historical collection of stories and photos of the people and places of Real County.

Tragedy at the McLaurin Ranch:
$17.00, Shipping: $5.00, Total: $22.00
Museum Gift Shop - Books
Tragedy at the McLaurin Ranch is the account of the tragic event that occurred in April of 1881. This account was written by a descendant of Kate McLaurin.

Tales of the Frio Canyon:
$20.00, Shipping: $5.00, Total: $25.00
Museum Gift Shop - Books
Tales of the Frio Canyon is a collection of short stories about people and events that relate in one way or the other to the Frio Canyon. It also has the rest of the story of the McLaurin Tragedy. These stories were collected and written by local author, Linda Kirkpatrick.

Cord Springs A Place in Texas:
$17.00, Shipping: $5.00, Total: $22.00
Museum Gift Shop - Books
This book tells the story of the author, Linda Kirkpatrick’s, favorite place in Texas. Cord Springs is a pasture on the ranch where Linda grew up, but it is so much more than just a pasture, it is the story of this place from the beginning of time.

Echoes of the Canyon:
$20.00, Shipping: $5.00, Total: $25.00
Museum Gift Shop - Books
The author, Dub Suttle, grew up in the Frio Canyon. As a descendant of some of the first settlers here, he presents their stories plus stories of other people who reside here today. Though mostly fun stories there are a few that will bring a tear to your eye. A must-read if you want to know more about the Frio Canyon.

A Stich in Rhyme:
$17.00, Shipping: $5.00, Total: $22.00
Museum Gift Shop - Books
Prairie patchwork and poetry by Yvonne Hollenbeck.

Post Cards
Soon you will be able to drop your friends a Postcard from the Frio Canyon. Coming soon we will have postcards depicting people and places in and around Real County.  You can let them know what a fun time you had here! This section is a work in progress.

Did you like what you saw and heard in the museum? Do you want to help but don’t know how? We love DONATIONS!! Any amount works for us! We also will accept non-monetary donations, like sweat and labor! But if you want to give money you can either mail us a check, drop money in our collection jar, or click on the PayPal button! And we will love you forever!

Real County Historical Museum Friends Group
Want to save some money and visit the museum more often? If you join the Friends Group you can do just that! Your $10.00 membership gives you free access to visit the museum anytime during the year. The usual donation at the door is $2.00 per visit. Also, we may call on you if we need help but you can always say, “No.” We would love to have you join this group and help us pass the word on what a fun thing coming to the museum is!  Again, you can mail us a check or PayPal just designate that you want to join the Friends Group!

We will periodically hold a raffle and what fun they have been. You can purchase Raffle tickets again either by check or PayPal just make sure to designate what the check or PayPal is for. You can check on our Events page to see if we have a current Raffle and the date for the drawing.